Sunday, June 14, 2009

North Korea -- The elephant in the room.

There seems to be a trend that the leader of North Korea wants to engage in war before he dies of some fate that should have happened a year ago. We seem to be taking note of his maniacal ravings but nothing is being threatened outside.

If we go to war before he has a nuclear arsenal, the lives saved would be many. In the realms of conspiracy theories, I think that maybe taunting him to a war could pull us from a forthcoming depression in the likes of the great. What if this was all planned? Since none of us can actually have a meeting with Kim Jong II to see if the threats we see are being blasted from his mouth, or is fine editing behind it to cut and paste a threat together?

War brought us out of the economic crises is the forties, will war once again pull us out of economic strife again? The lack of action to these threats are seen as something is gearing up. If Saddam's threats were dealt with quickly, why are his threats being looked upon as lax?

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